Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A case study On Wynn resorts. Ltd

The case introduces us to the Wynn resorts which are a corporation which operates high end hotels and big casinos. It was introduced on October 25, 2002 and the chairperson of the hotels is Stephen A. Wynn Company is in the continuous development process it has now built four of the properties. So moving on to the contents of the Hotels and casinos, Wynn resorts have set themselves in the field of hospitality as one of the best and most preferable destination for the tourist because of their excellent service and dedication to their work. Their casinos are one of the best casinos in the casinos world and the quality to the service is the key for them to be succeeding. They have two casinos in different country one is Macau and another is Las Vegas. They both are the most preferable tourist destination and Las Vegas and Macau both are the casino center of the world so setting up their business in two worlds has let them to enter positive cash flows since the beginning. They are best on their hospitality.
So talking about their operation in back days and how have they started their operation in this world lets go back and check their background former chairman and CEO Stephen A. Wynn who have established the brand in the hospitality sector, at first he collaborate with Universal subsidiary Azure USA they both have taken half of the whole stock so that the outsider won’t be controlling the BOD or the management their first project was Wynn resorts in Las Vegas, following the trend Wynn Macau are their second project they again have planned on opening their casino on philippics where they have faced legal problems of corruption and bribe against Okada and Okada also did the same so talking about the positive changes to the world they now have  16,500 employees worldwide with more than 2500 fully equipped rooms. For the world it one of the most highly preferable destination or the resort for the customers their net income lies in billions of dollars yearly they have turnover of 1.0004 billion dollars.
SWOT analysis of Wynn resorts Limited
·         They already have established the brand as Wynn resorts
·         Customers prefer their resorts and casinos as their first priority
·         They have license to operate in two of the most favorite destination for gambling one is Las Vegas and another is Macau.
·         Due to their high customer priority they are always on choice of the customers
·         Continuous development in terms of Wynn resorts and casinos has let them adoptive to the market and closer to the customers.
·         Due to their dispute in terms of bribe and corruption in Philippines they have lost some of the trust of customers
·         Chairperson is responsible to make the decisions there are n division of the responsibilities.
·         As they are operating well in two countries I think they have to extend their hospitality services worldwide as other big resorts are doing.
·         They are not matching themselves to their competitor’s products, services.

·         As they are planning to extend their operation it will make them more profitable.
·         They have always targeted the most tourist destination so; they have created opportunity to the markets.
·         They can have stronger brand image and higher recognition in the market place.
·         Due to Wynn resorts and other activities people liking and possibilities of emerging or growing market has been increasing.
·         Las Vegas has always been the circle of the gambling destination so, business including Las Vegas will always benefit them.
·         Emerging business opportunities will increase the domain complexity and so the competitors will enter to the new market.
·         To operate internationally the domestic countries rules and regulations will make them constraints or bound them for their operations.
·         International Restrictions on the entertainment field will make them suffer
·         Due to their undistributed BOD if one strategy will go wrong other competitors will take over their operations.
Past strategies and present Strategies
As they have covered themselves with the good brand name by giving a good hospitality and services to the customers. The operations of the industry id handled by CEO of the company and they don’t have the distribution of the work. They have created barriers to the outsider ot enter into the BOD and in the planned way they have acquired the shares of the Wynn resorts. They have acquired the shares so that they could minimize the dispute between the management and BOD. Their offering are mainly to the high income level groups whereas to enter into the other Asian market I hope to se them as cost leadership strategy implementing low cost in the Asian places like India, Thailand will let them to empower the market shares. They can also extend to the product of the casinos and they can introduce Virtual casinos to the variety of people. (Pearce II & Robinson, (14th) 2014)
            Tracking competitor’s products and services can also leads them to know the market and competition so they must update themselves to the market.
Conclusions and Recommendations
As the company is doing well in their business and they are grabbing the coming opportunities and as well they are extending their resorts to other countries rather than focusing on the same country. As they have been cutting their other expenses especially marketing cost and other costs they must not focus on cutting the administrative costs and marketing cost. So, they must publicize themselves to the market and shows their distinct features to the market. (Paige, 2009)
They have extended them to the two countries only what I would like to recommend them is to extend them to other markets as well; there are so many best countries to come like Thailand and Malaysia. They must make a smart move looking at their competitors and one step forward than them to capture and groom the market. They must also offers variety and range of services to the variety of customers they must intact every customers. They also must care their brand and do the things that will increase their brand image. As they have always been focused on doing things they must stay focus on what they do and even care their competitors choice and path. Distributing of CEO’s work and responsibility to other parties and other staffs of the company is also key to remain successful in my view point and also they must minimize their legal obligations, that can make negative impressions to the customers.


Paige, H. (2009, 07 14). Retrieved from Wynn Resorts Analysis:
Robinson, J.R. Pearce II, J.A. (12th edition). Strategic Management:Formulation, Implementation and control. Newyork: Mr.grow Hill.

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