Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Case analysis On Whole Foods market / Strategic Management MBA

Introduction and Background
The case introduces to the whole foods market it is the company which was introduces by the 25 year old John Mackey with some of his friends, they were the drop out from the university and eager to do something but could not choose the path to do, as they have thought of and plan of they have initially started venture and their partnership grew up from two of the partners they started small natural food store with just small amount of  45000$ collecting it from their some friends and their relatives. But starting a thing is never too easy though the start point is the hardest to enter after entering it to the market the real struggles their comes up so does to the entrepreneurs, they have had hard time paying the rent for the apartment so they were even out from the apartment where they used to store their products as the concept was new the product was not that attractive to the customers through it had some of the segmentation of the customers. Falling rising and going with the life cycle of their product after their hardest time of 2 years they have come up with the Whole food market. In 1978 with partnership with some groceries store, it was by then a big grocery store with 19 employee and 10500 sq ft of space.
While operating they had to face natural disaster of flood, it was so worst that it has washed all their major equipments and their inventory it has led a big loss to the store as it was not insured as they were not prepared for the natural disaster and the loss has to be covered by all of the partners which was quite hard at that time.
When mistakes happen we must agree and rise with it, same happens to the company whole foods again was signed after 28 days of destruction now the partners were not only their partners but the neighbors, creditors and some of the vendors were even included in their teams as this shows the faith and the loyalty to their job, it proves that they already gained some popularity and trust from the customers.
As they rose from the mistake now the time was to grow their store the company now started to groom from one to three one in Austin and another in Houston. They even introduce some of the natural product to their customers under their main brand whole foods market they also have started other ventures except Texas, oh wow to the fortune of the company it has even listed to the 100 fortune best companies to work from 1998 not only this Mr. john got recognition the best CEO of the worlds and in the recent years they were announced as the 100 best corporate citizens magazine. John was the youngest entrepreneur to the world.
 SWOT analysis of Whole foods Market
·         Variations in the product they almost got 30000 products on their store so we must say product differentiation is their strength
·         Recognition as the organic food maker and seller
·         Some of the awards has let them win the trust from the customers
·         It was even one of the 25 green power planters in U.S.
·         As the products are all organic but the price is higher than other non organic products so price sensitive customers will not be choosing their products.
·         They have variation in the product but they don’t have any competitive products to the market they just have their own segment of market and they are happy with it.

·         As people now days wanted to eat organize the demand are higher for those products
·         Health conscious people are increasing day by day
·         international market is open for them if they wanted to enter into the global market
·         Increasing population with increasing and changing mentality of products are their opportunities
·         Global competition can give them a huge threat
·         Vulnerable market and environment
·         The markets profitable and the chances of entering new competitors are high
·         Innovation and change in the product are also threat for the company.
Strategies Past, Present and Future
While going through the case we came to know that they have used various strategies on the various stages of their lives, as for the marketing they have chose Social media marketing which is growing higher and higher, as they are no 1 in quality they have gone through one strategy of quality and choosing one segment of market for the people who chose quality they are the choice those customers do not care about the money they are paying far as the quality is their key concern.
As on another stage of their lives they have chosen go green movement which has led to the evolution and promotion to their products by renewals sources of energy. As the employee are the one who took care of the office and work they have a very democratic leadership style at their office which led them do whatever the best possible thing is not only this they have a very good performance appraisal way so that their employee could be motivated and aspire towards the accomplishment of their goal.
So we can see the company is in the differentiation strategy as they have more than 3000 products on their pocket. With some new campaign and addressing to the health conscious customers they have led the market and they have won the trust and love of the customers which makes them loyal to their products.
The company has the aim of prosperity and growth inculpate with the service to the customers with the quality they are giving to the customers.

Conclusion and Recommendations
As the company is really doing good in U.S. but only to the limited states so they need to broaden up their heights and come up in the market to the big states like Washington and other snot only this I think they have to enter to the global market as the Europe can also be their big market to grow and the risk will even diversify and it will be easier to stating as they have Already proven to be the best which can be their competitive advantage to gain from the market. CEO of the company has learn from their mistakes they have realized a lot of things while operating so the mistakes like not covering insurance again and not being secured from another place could be the loss to the company, so in this case diversifying their risk investing in something different and minimizing their risk is the responsibility of the company apart from differentiation it should also be diversification of risk.
As they are in the growth stage I think they must use all their pros and all their marketing techniques all the papers, magazines and everything so that competitors would fear entering to the market looking at the portfolio of the Whole foods. They should incorporate corporate responsibility in their mission as they already are giving quality and natural products customers will be more delighted from that campaign.
Hence, company has made them superior from their quality, reliability, and stability and the performance of the company is way better than their other neck to neck competition so retain, regain and groom the market and the growth of the company they must increase the height and the level of their operations through other proactive actions.


adhikari, D. r. (2009). Strategic Implementation. kathmandu: Buddha Publication.
Robinson Jr., R. B., & Pearce II , J. A. (2011). Strategic management Formulation, Implementation and Control-12th edition. The McGraw Hill Publisher.

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