Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Case study On Ford Motor Company/ MBA Capstone

Introduction and Background
They are the second largest auto car maker and fifth largest on the vehicles manufacturer it was founded by Henry ford in 1903. The first car launch by Ford was ford model A. before coming with the plan he has built gasoline powered carriage. The first model after 1903 was “Model T”
A history of 112 old companies has created one of the best brand names in the world no matter how it is Ford has proved that if the vision is broad it is always achievable. Today known by everybody as it is the world’s second largest automotive producer. The number of employees is just outstanding over 224000 employees worldwide they work for more than 90 manufacturing plants internationally. The company is still growing and lots more to grow and get prosper. They always have one of the best strategies. They enable sustainability, they invest more and latest technology is their strength and eco- friendly initiative.
Characteristics of Car industry (Global)
·         Priorities to the innovation
·         High level of competition has even made them unique
·         Product line extension/product category extension
·         Brand image and brand positioning
·         Convenience
·         Customer friendly
·         Cost efficiency
·         Research and development
·         Changes in the strategy of corporate, renewal, marketing, product , operations.
Those were the outlines features of the global car industry all these characteristics make them unique of what they are on what level they compete. Similarly innovation changes in the product extension and category, cost, efficiency and customer friendliness is all needed to be the 21st century automotive industry.
Ford’s Strategies
Mass production concept was derived and used by Ford Motor Company. They triggered their customers demands and acts through of those demands. Some of the strategies I see are as follows:
·         Large production plans
·         Changeable parts of the cars
·         Moving assembly line
·         Standard product
The methods like this help them to establish their brand name and production frame, even the cost of the production was reduced down. We can see the changes in the labor wages in this period from 2.34$ it has gone to 5$ which is quite double looking at the working hours from 8 hours to 9 working hours in this way they have made themselves efficient and production and labor innovation has direct impact on their brand which later turns out to be their competitive advantage.
The company even makes their move to the new production and change in the product category with upgraded horse power and brakes, as this created them the gain towards the world largest automobile industry.
As soon they have gone global and make their presence internationally they started giving their global strategy. They apply regional, transnational strategies.
Ford’s Domestic strategy:
They have done domestic strategy for the sustainability and growth. They always have needed up making friendly competition some of the domestic strategies were:
·         “Continue to serve” as their one motto
·         Changes in the technology, updating their technology
·         Reinforcing their employees and communities of practice among the employee
·         Environmental scanning for the macro environment
·         Best practices learned were then turned to the strategies and implemented by all.
Ford’s global strategy:
The global strategy of ford relates them to the worldwide expansion of fords into the international level. Some of the plans are explained below:
·         Restructuring the business with profit and growth
·         Financing the plans and improving balance sheet.
·         Product development as the customers wants
·         Team work these things led to the perfect strategies of the ford which are:
·         New outstanding models were introduced to the consumers.
·         Aggressive strategy of capturing the market
·         Sales of wide range of their cars and sales of their luxurious cars were their sales strategy.
·         Product line extension to the truck and buses.
Ford’s product design
 They have always been keen to make their product unique and superior from others so they have always research and paid handsome amount on making the product design best some of the characteristics as they have included are:
                   I.            Small, medium and large sized cars
                II.            Superior quality
             III.            Design are always made luxiourous and unique
             IV.            Fuel efficient
They have not made themselves to the product design but also they have considered other factors of engineering like:
                                           I.            Voice activated technology
                                        II.            Alternative fuel vehicles known as Hybrid cars
                                     III.            Vehicle safety programs
Therefore this is the way ford has remarkably made themselves the best in the field of automobile industry,
It has included their focus strategy to be focus on the market. The advertisements of the ford are always an example to the normal person as they always have one of the best advertisements that separate them from other competitors. They always offers variety of products and services to the consumers like trucks, rally cars, sports cars, touring cars they got so many variety with them. They have every option for the consumers. They have always taking good steps in order to make the environment friendly and they are moving one step further to be the good CSR Company.
Corporate culture
As per the culture they have, they always have motivating an aspiring culture for the employee of them. Employee are always motivated for their best performance and input for the organization. Must say the learning organization culture has lead ford to go that much deeper and further in their life and career. They have policy of fundamental working provision which makes crucial difference on the employee life and fundamentals stone of company.
Ford’s manufacturing plans
As I have viewed the case I came to know that the Ford was successful in opening its three of the giant manufacturing plant in 2014. As this plants have created employment opportunities for more than 6000 jobs.
They always have been keen on opening up with new branches and new manufacturing plants all around the globe. They produced the products that meet their standards their products are always world class products.
They also provide efficient and excellent vehicle assembly with design and the installation of production tooling.

Future Strategies
In order to gain the market share and increase their profits all they need to do is to be global and innovative. Ford is focusing more on the one team and one plan and one goal strategy .one team involves all with their own decision making power to the process whereas one strategy is more aligned and globally leveraging their resources. So last but not the least one goal strategy focuses on building products with customers about what they want and value in their live. It’s more about knowing what the actual consumers want to take and see on their cars considering the factors with the same thing to sell. They have not limited to this only and as Ford is moving further on their lives to go further and take other things into accou8nt they are moving further to deliver the best of their product and to be innovative as the customer wants and as the technology leads them.

(2013). In M. Coulter, Strategic Management in Action (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, USA: Pearson Education Incorporation.

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