Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Case analysis On Real world Consultancy Pvt. Ltd ( FInal Case) / MBA Capstone

Introduction and Background
As the last case of the capstone we have to visit one small business, straight forward to the point for the project I have chosen Real World consultancy as small business and I am describing all the details of the business in by below analysis.
I hope to be the best experience of the case as , this was my favorite things to do, meeting entrepreneurs and talking about them, as I have already started my career and I am too owner of small business. It is always a delighted feeling to meet others same as me and knowing about their hurdles and the best experience.
Q.1 Entrepreneur/ Small Business
Before my MBA I used to view everybody who has small business  or something  as an entrepreneur but MBA has made me completely different and now I view entrepreneurs as another criteria so my chosen field I know that’s not entrepreneurship but it’s a small business with the higher impact on the society and other big organization.
Introduction of Small business Real World Consultancy Pvt Ltd.
Located at one of the prime location, New Baneshwor Thapa gaun, Real world is giving its services to its customers since a decade, establishing their business was not easy according to Mr. Bikram Kandel, Managing Director of the consultancy.
Consultancy primly focuses on the Niche market of PR to the Canada they are focused only on Canada PR and now they are extending to New Zealand studies. During their starting phase there were only 2 active members or the team for the consultancy which later on grew to 7 and now they have limit themselves to 4 of the members including Front desk officer. This is the small example of small business which later on had a larger impact on the society.
How Real World Consultancy was started
 They have a nice and funny staring, it was Mr. Vikram own idea to come up with the consultancy he applied for the U.S Visa ten years back and he could not get it, due to that he felt humiliated and he thought of opening his own consultancy services, now he has traveled U.S.A in the business Visa for more than 5 times, and his Visa is never rejected. He views his rejection as a opportunity to start something new and valuable. He even says that without failure and rejection we cannot go bigger and think wider.
Kathmandu was not so familiar with the constancy back then but there were youngsters who were trying to get visa consultant so, with many difficulties he established himself as the U.S. Visa consultant at first later after 2 years of time business was extended to 4 countries U.S. Australia, U.K. Norway.
Establishment cost as he doesnot remember it exactly it could be around 2 lakhs. He brought every possible thing from his own home to be settled. Sofa, Daraj and some plastic chairs was brought from his own home, he does not had  pair of Sofa’s in his own home but he brought that to office so that it could bring more customers. Eventually real world within 7 months of their time came to its breakeven point and it started to grow bigger and bigger.
Smilingly Mr. Vikam Kandel said to me that the starting period is never easy for any of us but later on the becomes your best frame moments when you are established and you got a brand, it’s a feeling of accomplishment he added.

Q. 2 Real world Consultancy SWOT analysis
Going through his small business and the environment analysis of the business I would like to describe Competitive Environment of the Real world. Look at the consultancies that are so many to choose from
SWOT Analysis
·         Financial stress,
·         Qualifications, Certifications
·         Competitive advantage
·         Location and geography
·         Innovative aspects
Resources, assists, people
·         Systems, It and communication
·         Culture attitude and behavior
·         Management cover
·         Experience knowledge and data
·         Strong brand name
·         Unique selling point
·         Price, Value Quality
Lack of competitive strength
·         Disadvantages of proposition
·         Gaps in capabilities
·         Unnecessary cost structure
·         Deadlines, pressures and time scales
·         Plan predictability
Processes and systems
·         Management cover, succession
·         Leadership
Market development
·         Competitors vulnerabilities
·         Niche market target
·         USP’s
·         New market , Target
·         Partnerships, agencies
·         Unfulfilled customer need
·         New technology
·         Changing international Barriers
Business and product development
·         USP
·         Seasonal, weather
·         Fashion influences
·         Innovation and technology
·         Lifestyle trends
Environmental effects
·         Seasonal effects
·         Economy, home abroad
Market demand
·         It developments
·         Shifts in customer demands
·         Trade barriers
·         New regulations
·         financial backing
·         Emergence of substitute products
Q. 3 Competitive Environment Analysis of real world consultancy Pvt. Ltd
BCG Matrix
Stars (Relative Market share –High Market Growth Rate- High)
 They are the best, relatively market share is higher and Market growth rate is higher too, for the Real world consultancy they have chances of growth but does not have Higher market share they are covering one small pie of the market.
Question Mark (Relative Market share –Low Market Growth Rate- High)
Market growth rate is high but cash generation is low in this group. So question mark, this is the chance of survival to the fittest. Real world consultancy has to survive and make their best in this part they have to be innovative and find new approach to deal; also they have to make the flexibility to the market share.
Cash Cows (Relative Market share –High Market Growth Rate- Low)
This is where every organization wants to retain them for the longer period of time; this is the slow and steady growth of the growth. And I think Real world is in this period as the normal cash are generating and also they have their share of the market. So, they are in cash cows and this is the right time to extend their product for the product extension they can modify and refresh their consulting services.
Dog (Relative Market share –Low Market Growth Rate-Low)
According to Matrix this is the place where no organization ever wants to be. Relative market share and the market growth rate is lower in this period. They have a feeling of dog, that eats and sleeps more which means the investment is more but return is less. To minimize this stage Real world has to modify or extend their consulting services.
Hence, BCG matrix gives overall view of the organization stage, as per now I view them as the cash cows, they are doing little advertisement and little work, where return is continuous and phenomenal.
Q. 4 How Does the Real World Plans consultancy Pvt. Ltd to grow in Next two years and by how much?
Mr. Vikram kandel is always keen to the opportunities available in the market. For the real world consultancy he has planned to stick with the Pr of Canada, he firmly believes and says that he only does genuine documents of the people, as he has send more than 3000 People to the global world.
For the next two years I have listed his plans with points:
·         Product line extension to New Zealand higher studies and PR
·         Genuine PR registered consultant company for Canada
·         Shenzhen Visa for 24 Europe countries
·         Genuine processing for Japan in next 6 months of time
·         Enlisting in top 5 New Zealand consultancy
How much:
·         He targets 2000 students and genuine people to send to Canada during this time
·         Helping Nurses to find their desired destination
·         3000 Shenzhen Visa for the working people of Nepal.
Q. 5 Owner doing to promote growth of Real World Consultancy Pvt. Ltd
·         Paper Advertisements
·         Networking
·         World of mouth marketing
·         Testimonials
·         Excellent customer service
Q.6 Strategic Suggestions to real world consultancy
I have some solutions to them while I have viewed them, which are as follows:
                               I.            Strategic alliance with some of the big sharks of the Market place
If they will be able to do some of the alliance to the best Canadian Visa officers and job consultants in Canada they can attract more customers to them.
                            II.            Going global, through the procedures
As to create the opportunities they have also grab the missing part of the society for example they can make alliance with the embassy and make services for the Korea , Austria, Cuba where people wants to try and go.
                         III.            Differentiating their Product and services
As their business is totally customer oriented they must differentiate them in terms of service, to be unique they must be innovative so they must find new ways of grabbing them.
                         IV.            Diversifying Risk
As to maintain the risk and minimize problems I hereby suggest to diversify, they can also open German Classes, Korean Language to it, where large numbers of pools can be grabbed and caught.
                            V.            Product line extension
They can also extend their products and services through another door, of language classes and IELTS, TOEFL preparation centers.

Conclusion and recommendations
 I have done detailed analysis of Real world consultancy I came to know that being small business employing only 4 of the teams also they had a larger impact to the committee and the market place. The big Sharks like Rohini, Alfa Beta are also impact with their numbers of students processing for other countries.
They have a bigger turnover in their 10 years of period as he has almost turn more than 1000 million as per him and his advice, and people are also delighted as they directly can meet Managing Director without any hassle and talk to him about the opportunities, any questions can be asked directly. So people are more comfortable talking directly so they chose Real world.
Some of the points that can lead them to be Real world and the enhancement of their Goodwill are:
·         Good working environment
·         Effective communication
·         Cost leadership
·         Reputation Management
·         Brand equity
·         First mover in PR for Canada
·         Diversified business
·         Integration of services they offer
Hence last but not least its not easy to start something new, according to Mr. Kandel it is always your interest that takes you there one time failure for the Visa take me here whereas, for others it could be another thing. Its up to you what you chose to be and what you be.
For the real world consultancy I now know that being small, they are not small. They are bigger in terms of their Value, In terms of their employee retention, salary, Services, added customer satisfaction. So a lifelong lesson for me is that being small in size does not necessarily mean they are small in vision, small size has room for the development whereas bigger are always filled with not invented here syndrome. Small business does have bigger scope for the development and the financial turn over are really higher in sizes comparing it to the bigger one.




adhikari, D. r. (2009). Strategic Implementation. kathmandu: Buddha Publication.
Kvint, Vladimir. (2009). Emerging Market: strategic Management and Economics. Newyork: Mc Grow.

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