Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Case Study on Regional Market of Nepal ( Rudraksha)

1.      Introduction
2.      Perspective of Business plan
3.      Target Market
4.      Product Categories
5.      Benefits of the Product
6.      International perspective of Business
7.      Entry and exit point of India and china
8.      Immigration Point
9.      Challenges of the business
10.  Oppurtunities of the business
11.  Recommendations
12.  Conclusion
13.  Recommendations

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The construction of the highways and other infrastructures can helps in economic growth. The business we can expand is of electronic goods, kitchen utensils and plastic ware, readymade garments and footwear and fast consumption goods like food and other beverages. We can import clothes, electronic items and foods from India, China and Bangladesh and well as import some of our goods like foods, shoes, carpets, clothes etc to other countries. Investors have transacted in emerging markets since the dawn of global trade. But over recent years, two key motivations have crystallized for many buyers: access to markets and access to raw materials. (EY). I would like to choose Rudraksha as a product to be taken into export to other countries for now I would like to extend my market up to China and India.
Rudraksha meaning—the eye of Rudra [Shiva] is considered to be the most potent manifestation of the Cosmic Force. Hence Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven. These beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees. The Rudraksha tree is botanically known as ELAEOCARPUS GANITRUS ROXB. Its English name is UTRASUM BEAD TREE.
Rudraksha is the seed of a particular tree species which usually grows at a certain altitude in the mountains – mainly in the Himalayan region. Unfortunately, most of these trees were used to make railway sleepers, so there are very few of them remaining in India. Today, they are mostly found in Nepal, Burma, Thailand or Indonesia. They are there in some parts of the Western Ghats in South India, but the best quality ones come from a certain altitude in Himalayas because somehow the soil, atmosphere, and everything influences it. These seeds have a very unique vibration. Usually, the big beads are not so vibrant. The smaller the bead the more vibrant it is.
Rudraksha trees are mostly found in South Eastern Asian Islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Iran, Java, Timor (Indonesia) and parts of South Asian Kingdom of Nepal. Around 70% of the Rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India. Considered a major stress reliever, reducing circulatory problems and of course as the best beads, the berry (Elaeocarpus Ganitrus) was first spotted in Indonesia and is now grown in Nepal and Hardware. However, because it is expensive, clinical research of its medicinal properties has not been possible, often resulting in the berry being subjected to esoteric mumbo jumbo.
 There are clefts called Mukhi on the surface of the beads. The number of Mukhi on the surface of aRudraksha beads helps in determining its quality. According to the number of Mukhi the Rudraksha bead ranges from single face to a several faced bead. Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.
Prespective of my Rudraksha plan
Past Perspective on my Business planning
As a entrepreneur of the international business I would consider the industry history as for now I have research on the demand of the rudraksha beads, Hindu people worship them as a part of Shiva(god) whereas, in the youth it also has come up with new fashion trend. especially while taking about china and Tibet market coverage I would like to clarify recently the market of rudraksha has been called for the fashion not for the worship purpose in China which makes me amazed the way they have inquired us about the rudraksha.
Future Perspective on Business Planning
As we already know the demands and the supply can only forecasted I would like to show the future perspective of my business planning. I as a international business student saw a lot of happenings in the country and in the global market as a whole. About estimating the sales I would like to target the people of fashion and who worship Lord shiva. I see the unique selling point of our country is lord Shiva main home is considered to be Himalayas of Nepal and my Rudrakhsa is from Nepal so it has one very unique selling point to others.
Present perspective on Business planning
Finally, I must be engaged on putting my plans and efforts for the future into action. The present as for the rudraksha is essentially involved with implementation and measuring actual performance against what was predicted, so that the further improvements can be made and rewards can be shared for good performance.
Therefore I would like to see rudraksha beads as a very interesting and valid business plan as I have shown of perspective of business plan I would like to further move on to Border. As for the transaction I have to undergo through various trade policies, practices and other things as a country.
Target Market
India As for India it is a very big  country comparing to us so, for now I would like to target my market on those special places where we can find the big temples of Mahadeva.people worship Mahadeva as their deity god and often visit Temples like Mahadeva Temple at Itagi (or Ittagi) in the Koppal district, Karnataka, somnath temple, Maha kaleshwor, Omkareshowr, kedarnath, Bhimashankar, kashi bishwanath, Trimbakeshawr.
Chinese markets like, Dhgate has been targeted to sell my rudraksha beads as for the fashion trend with awareness of the benefits of the rudraksha to the people.
Product categories to be sold as(rudraksha types)
Usually the beads are strung together as a mala. Traditionally, they believe the number of beads is 108 plus one. The extra bead is the bindu. There must always be a bindu to the mala, otherwise the energy becomes cyclical and people who are sensitive may become dizzy.
When you string them, it is best that they are strung with either a silk thread or a cotton thread. If you wear it with a thread then it is good to take care to change the thread every six months. Otherwise one day the thread may snap and your 108 beads will go all over the place.
Bracelet/ Earrings
As the fashion trend bracelet and earrings can be used.  If we wear it with a thread then it is good to take care to change the thread every six months.. When you string them, it is best that they are strung with either a silk thread or a cotton thread.
A shield against negative energies
It is also a kind of shield against negative energies. It is possible for some people to use negative energies to cause harm to someone else. This is a whole science by itself. One Veda, the Atharvana Veda, is all about how to use energies to your advantage and to someone else’s detriment. If somebody who has mastery over this wants to use it, so many things – extreme suffering and even death can be caused.
A rudraksha is a kind of shield against this. You may think nobody will do negative things to you, but it is not necessary that it should be targeted at you. Let us say somebody did it to the person sitting next you, but he is not receptive to it. Now you may get it because you are sitting next to him. It is just like when two people are shooting at each other on the street, they do not intend to shoot you, but you may get shot. Similarly these things also can happen.
Benefits of rudrakhsa
·         Rudraksha is considered as incarnation of Bhagwan Shiva. The person who wears Rudraksha possess always good health, is respected by all and is capable of attracting everybody & any body.
·         Rudraksha is a very important and mystical bead of Hindu Mythology & Meditation & Rishi Cult.
·         Rudraksha has a high profile in Tantrism and spiritualism specially Nara gosha & Graha dosha.
·         Rudraksha worshipped as a source of good luck, good health, prosperity, medical values, success, financial gains and for eradication of evil forces.
·         Faceless Rudraksha ( Nirankara) is most powerful.
·         One chaturmukha ( 4 faces) Rudraksha and one shanmukha (6 faces) Rudraksha tied together with copper wire and wearing with red thread as a (talisman) shiva shakti locket will improve the attentiveness, memory growth, interest in studies, etc., Boon for studies and aged, pandits, astrologers, leaders, etc.
·         For the bite of a Scorpion or other such creatures panchamukhi Rudraksha can be rubbed on a grind stone with the juice of a lemon and the paste applied on the affected spot. Pain will subside.
·         Those who takes the bath by keeping 9 (nine) Rudrakshas in water will get benefits equally to Ganga Jal Bathing and energy gaining.
·         Rudraksha can be worn by any person without the consideration of nation, religion, caste, sex, with full confidence to get desired benefits in mandalam (40 days). One should wear the malas at all times except sex time, going to burial grounds and ladies should not wear during menstrual periods. It is also helps for longevity and avoids untimely death.
·         One can wear first time Rudraksha on any Monday, maa shivarathri, maha shivarathri, sun or moon eclipse and sankranthi days, amavasya, poornima, etc.
·         Rudraksha mala with 108 beads is purnamala, with 54 beads ARDHAMALA with 27 beads NAKSHATRA MALA, mala with 21 mukhis of Rudraksha is known as INDRA MALA which is very rare one.
·         At the time of wearing Rudraksha mala it can be of honey or other colour but during the course of time all malas will become black and hard due to the contact of fat containing sweat and yogaagni of the human body.
·         In various countries of the world people belongs to different religions are making their children to wear Rudraksha like Talisman for the health protection and planetary problems and for higher education.
·         Rudrakshamala is the best mala to wear and for japa for perfect health than any other malas, Nepali Rudraksha mala is the best and powerful.
International Business perspective
The Evolution of Nepal's International Boundary with China and India Like most of the countries of the world, the existence of Nepal had been recognised even before the international boundaries had been fully and finally established. Mention of Nepal is found in the ancient history of both China and India. Nepal-China boundary is as old as the history of the two countries, but in contrast to the very ancient cultural, social, political and economic relations, Nepal-India boundary has a comparatively recent origin and its present boundary demarcation and delimitation took place after the Anglo-Nepal War of 1814-16. In contrast to Nepal's boundary with India on three sides: west, south and east, the boundary between Nepal and China lies in the north only..
The ruggedness of Nepal-China boundary is clearly revealed by its length which is 1415 kilometres, while Nepal-India boundary which runs along three sides of Nepal is only 1850 kilometers, 465 kilometers longer than Nepal-China boundary. The 1415 kilometre length of Nepal-China boundary is based on measurement in the maps ( for details on Nepal-China Boundary see Annex). If the actual measurement is made on the ground along the slopes and ridges of the mountains, the length of the boundary will be more than that indicated by the measurement in the maps. So far as Nepal-India boundary is concerned, the mountainous portions of the boundary lie in Sikkim State and Darjeeling district of West Bengal State in the east, while rest of the boundary runs along the plains in the south and along the Mahakali River in the west.
Trade issues occasionally dominate and are a continuing theme of the international scene: the global market, child labor and trade deficits. Some of the issues are trade diversion as low cost suppliers of non-members replaced by high cost suppliers among members, possibility of loss of skills, jobs, technology and culture with structural change in the country, erosion in economic sovereignty with domination of TNC and over exploitation of resources, relocation of production. The foreign business can dominate our local business employ staffs from their home countries thereby exploiting our employment opportunities.

The Entry and Exit Points along the Nepal China Boundary
The Nepal-China border is almost marked by the absence of settlement on either side. The number of settlements along the proximity of border is 10 in Nepal and 18 in China. The border settlements in Nepal are located in the districts of Humla, Rasuwa, Sindhupalchok, Dolakha and Sankhuwasabha, and the settlements on the other side of these districts also are located on Chinese side. The Gorkha district has no border settlement, but has two settlements across its border with China.
One notable feature of Nepal-China boundary is the complete absence of border check posts, except at the Kodari border. Most of the border check posts are located at a distance of more than one day's walk from the actual border on either side. The movement of the border people living within a distance of 30 kilometres on either side of the border has been regulated with the provision of multiple entry permits.. n the revised Agreement, emphasis was laid on identifying areas of movement and fixing of the exact settlements rather than the 30-kilometre distance on either side. However, the survey for the identification of the specified locations of movement for the border people has not yet been initiated.
. Under the protocol signed and exchanged between Nepal and China on January 20,1963, the contracting parties agreed to maintain and adopt necessary measures to prevent the removal, damage or destruction of boundary pillars as far as possible, to prevent the boundary rivers from changing their course and to make a joint inspection of the entire boundary every five years. Accordingly, in 1979 a new agreement was signed between the two countries after detailed mapping and demarcation of the boundary.
The Main Trade and Transit Points along the Nepal India Border
The development of market towns took place along the Nepal India border, mostly near the Indian railway heads since the early twentieth century. These towns along the Tarai emerged as trade routes between Nepal and India with some trade points located in the hills along border in the east and the west. The development of numerous transit points emerged during different period after 1951. The following are the mutually agreed main trade routes for trade between Nepal and India and transit points for access to sea from Calcutta port.

Agreed routes for Mutual Trade

Transit points to Calcutta Port
Pashupatinagar / Sukhia Pokhari
Sukhia Pokhari
Kakarbhitta / Naxalbari           
Naxalbari (Panitanki)
Bhadrapur / Galgalia    
Biratnagar / Jogbani
Setobandha / Bhimnagar
Rajbiraj / Kunauli

Siraha, Janakpur / Jayanagar
Jaleswar / Bhitamore(Sursand) 
Malangawa / Sonabarsa

Gaur / Bairgania

Birgunj / Raxaul
Bhairahawa / Nautanwa
Nautanwa (Sonuali)
Taulihawe / Khunwa

Krishnanagar / Barhni  
Koilabas / Jarwa
Nepalgunj / Nepalgunj Road    
Nepalgunj Road
Rajapur / Katerniyaghat

Prithivipur / Sati (Kailali) / Tikonia
Dhangadhi / Gauriphanta
Mahendranagar / Banbasa
Mahakali / Jhulaghat (Pithoragarh)


 Source: Department of Customs, HMG/Nepal
There are all together main customs posts along Nepal India and Nepal China borders with the additional of 143 Choti Bhabsar (sub-customs posts). Nepal has transit treaty with India only. .Nepal has established 3 dry ports on the Nepalese side for the transport of goods directly to and from Calcutta port. They are in Biratnagar, Sirshiya east of Birgung and Bhairahawa, and the dry port of Sirshiya Hs provision of railway connection via Raxaul to Calcutta port.
Immigration Points
The immigration points along the Indo Nepal border for the entry and exit of nationals from the third countries are:
Bhairahawa (Sunauli)
There are only two immigration points along the Nepal China border. They are Kodari with road connections from Kathmandu and Nara Nangla in Humla with mule track from Simikot. The border checkpost of Nara Nangla, however, lies several kilometres south inside Humla. As for the immigration points along Nepal India border, they are connected by road. Tribhuvan international airport in Kathmandu is the only immigration point for foreingn nationals coming by air.
Risk and Challenges for the Rudraksha for the international trade
·         Low availability of raw materials
·         Finding market in competitive world
·         Lack of skill man power
·         Lack of uniformity
·         In suffiecient promotional activities done in favor to promote rudraksha products
·         Not been able to compete with the technology based products from chiniese and Indian market
·         In efficient market information
·         Problems of brand recognition
·         In adequate government policies and regulations
·         Low customer awareness.
Oppurtunities for the Rudraksha in perspective from Nepal
·         Growing international demand
·         Income and employment generation
·         Gradual tariffs reduction in regional market particularly in Bhutan and Bangladesh
·         Possibility to improve labor productivity and workers attitude.
·         Recent speedy development in Nepal, India and Bhutan has increased the market prospect.
Recommendations/what should be done to promote Rudraksha
·         Facilitate Nepal’s participation in specialized international trade and fairs
·         Organizer buyer seller meetings regularly
·         Undertake market research periodically and disseminate findings
·         Should introduce various programs to encourage other people who want to be involve in the export of Rudraksha.
·         Encourage strategic alliance with other firm’s collaboration between Nepalese and other foreign importers.

 Rudraksha mukhi Can also be used  according to please Astrology planet. Rudraksha is god shiva himself ,so without astrology can be also used to Please and make happy to God shiva .God Shiva is also known as Supreme leader of all planet,Rashi(Zodiac sign) .Rudraksha is used 90 % to worship and Wearing as god shiva blessing as locket rather than Astrology. Rudraksha mukhi(type) detail can also Can be learn detailly for Each Planet , Each Rudraksha Mukhi Represent God shiva Along with Different Hindu god/goddess. So in Type or mukhi Rudraksha  there is direct Residential(Presence) of God shiva along with Different god/Goddess. This is why I think the idea of exporting Rudraksha will work in India and China.



  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us.Rudraksha has tremendous power and it is known after the name of Lord Shiva.Rudraksha is very famous and it has great place in our life.

    8 mukhi nepalese rudraksha

    8 mukhi price

  2. Im,
    I provide various types of rudraksha, I'm from Kebumen, Central Java, my WhatsApp; + 6285227071512, Triyono
