Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Internship Report on Human Resource Officer and Content Writer

An Internship Report on
Nepal Domain Hosting (

Prepared by

Sadikchya Acharya

Submitted to:
Internship Committee

King’s College
International American University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters of Business Administration

Kathmandu, Nepal

It is hereby certified that this report, entitled

“Title of the report”

Prepared by Ms. Sadikchya Acharya
Is an outcome of the eight week internship undergone at

“King' College”

The facts and ideas presented in this report are an outcome of the students’ hard work and dedication to the project, undertaken as a partial fulfillment for requirements for degree of

Master of Business Administration

The outcome of this project has been highly appreciated.

………………………..                                              .………………………                     
Name of Supervisor                                                    Name of Internal Supervisor               Prassidha Acharya                                                                              (Prateek Neupane)
Position : MD                                                              Position          
Organisation                                                                King’s College
(To be signed and sealed)                                                        (To be signed and sealed)


            I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to those people who helped me a lot at Nepal Domain Host where we work together under the project at in order to get started as an intern and also in my data collection for the report preparation. I would like to thank  Mr. Rajesh Lamsal for his Managerial Support It was a great opportunity to learn more basically on the area that I had never thought of getting engaged.  My thanks also goes to Mr. Prassidha Acharya (Managing Director of for giving me an opportunity to work as a content writer in the organization. This has enhanced my abilities and groomed me for future.
Additionally, I would also like to thank Mr. Narottam Aryal (Principal of King’s College) and Mr. Biplove Singh (Senior Coordinator of King’s College) for guiding and helping me in each and every stage of MBA course. I am deeply indebted to Mr. Prakash Dahal, MBA Coordinator of King’s College whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me to write this internship report.
            I am grateful to King’s College and senior colleagues who kindly shared their experiences and helped my report become more appropriate and actual. I am also highly indebted to many other people whose names might have not been mentioned in this page but this report would not have become complete without their help and kind support.


                                                                                                            Sadikchya Acharya


MBA:                          Masters in Business Administration
MD:                             Managing Director
HRD:                          Human Resource Department
HR:                             Human Resource
HRM:                          Human Resource Management
IT:                               Information Technology
MB:                             Mega Byte
SQL:                           Server Query Language
PHP:                            Hypertext Pre Processor
CGI:                            Generated Imagery
E-Commerce:              Electronic Commerce
NDH:                          Nepal Domain Hosting
FMF:                           Free Movies Film
IAU:                            International American University

Table of Contents


The core objective of the internship is to fulfill the requirement of the MBA program as prescribed by the IAU. An intern has to prepare project report at the end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get the hands-on experience of the real world organization. The internship was completed with the objective of getting practical knowledge in the HR department of Nepal Domain Hosting. The first responsibility I was assigned on this eight week of internship period was to assist free movies film project. Secondly, I was allotted the work of Hiring and managing the work procedure of content writer.
As an intern, I realized that I was successful to gather a lot of significant learning experiences which would be helpful in my future career. The HR department of NDH offered me ample space and opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit my skills as a HR team member. I could use my theoretical knowledge of HR in real practice while participating in many discussions. I was actively involved in the department meetings where I shared my knowledge and views regarding the performance in HRD of NDH. I also attempted to gather more information on basic job functions of other departments to have better understanding of the relation between them and the HR department. It was commendable to see how wholeheartedly they welcomed, acknowledged and appreciated new ideas and knowledge. I have provided few recommendations based upon my understanding and knowledge.
I successfully completed all the assigned duties and handed them over to the senior supervisor at the end of the internship. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came along every single day. I could also bring some minor improvisations during my internship which were able to leave their marks. These lessons that I have learned will be a valuable one for my future endeavors as well.



Kings College is the conscientious learning center where students at different levels prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. It offers premier graduate program of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) which requires the students to complete a three credit hours of internship program. After the completion of internship, the students are required to prepare a project report on a topic relevant to the work they were assigned during the internship. An intern has to prepare project report at the end of the internship period but the main objective of the internship is to get the hands-on experience of the real world organization. It also helps to develop the skills required to handle the day to day operation in an organization. This will allow the students to be prepared for the upcoming corporate challenges by experiencing real time working environment. Upon subsequent research to find the best suitable organization to match both my major and area of interest, I selected the HRD of a Domain hosting company supremely known for its well defined quality hosting services.
The report consist of information of the students gained knowledge in a particular organization as MBA is intensive professional management educational program blended with information technology and management information system. It aims to develop socially responsive, creative and result oriented management professionals to take up challenging managerial positions in the rapidly expanding business world of this twenty first century.


 The Faculty of Management, IAU has its ultimate objectives of preparing students for professional pursuits of business, industry and government. The core objective of the internship is to fulfill the requirement of the MBA program as prescribed by the Kings College. As the real work environment is different from what we learn, the intern was unable to use theoretical knowledge that the intern had learned because what we do practically is different from what we learn. The main objective of the study is to learn about the way of writing contents for the varieties of movies. The study was focused in finding out the advantages and disadvantages of the organization. The study will also be helpful in making us able to find out the problems and generate new ideas to solve those problems Apart from this; the internship was completed with the objective of getting practical knowledge in the HR department of free movies film. More specifically, the objectives of the internship were as under:
         To gain practical experience of the jobs carried out in the HR Department of NDH.
·         To compare the theoretical knowledge of HR with the practical experiences carried out at web hosting company
         Clarify personal interests, skills, and competencies, and their implementation toward development of career goals.
         To gain ideas from the experienced people working for HR department.
         To understand the challenges faced by the HR department.
         To understand the different types of training provided to the employees.
         Development of personal standards of professional and ethical behavior required in the workplace.
         Assumption of responsibility for continued learning and professional development.


Following methodology was used for the collection of data;
         Questionnaire method: I prepared the questions according to the objectives of the study in advance.
         Discussion method: Formal group discussion took place at the meeting hall. The Marketing managers, the section officer, the assistant and the senior technical officer were present at the discussion.
         Informal interview: I have taken informal interview with different level employees in the organization.
         Observation method: To squeeze out more information I have used observation method as well.

Sources of Data Collection

                        Data is very reliable and effective source of all fieldwork reports. Data is a foundation of all fieldwork projects. Data may be obtained from several sources. It also depends on the objectives and necessity of the internship report. The sources of data collection were both based on primary and secondary data. Primary source is the main source of information and data. The sources of data collection can better being explained as:
Primary Source: Primary data are those which are personally extracted. They are collected by observation, interview, survey etc. It is original data and it is the original data gathered for the research project in hand. This data is collected for meeting the objective of the study.
Secondary Source: Secondary data are those which are already published. It may be internal and external. Internal source are organizational rules, annual report, published materials etc. External sources are newspapers, articles, and booklets etc. It is defined as the data collected earlier for a purpose other than the one currently being pursued.


            Before, the intern used to read the content written by other people, but now after working at the same field, it made me realize that contents are basically the first impression for every customer who visits the particular website with the purpose of watching the particular movie.
            Likewise, I found myself more confident and better prepared to give presentations due to regular presentation we are supposed to do in our course. Thus, the various subjects taught by Kings by highly experienced faculty members proved unparalleled and advantageous. This internship also helped me understand the level of my knowledge and its use in real life. As the nature of internship is not to fill a position and function like an employee but is to make the best of the opportunity and gather as much as professional experience and knowledge as one can. And I believe, I did succeed to a great level to broaden my understanding, hone my skills and understand the practical relevance of my academic knowledge. It did create a lot of difficultly for me to comprehend the approach of the staff unions due to their limited or no interaction with the trainees and interns.




            The Masters in Business Administration under the faculty of International American University consists of total six trimesters. MBA program is of two years and from the fifth trimester, the specialization course begins. The specialization courses are categorized into three groups; marketing, Human Resource Management and Finance.
            Internship period is of three months and after the completion of Internship, students are required to submit the report. The report consist of information of the students gained knowledge in a particular organization as MBA is intensive professional management educational program blended with information technology and management information system.


            The main objective of the internship was to develop and enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities. The internship program had encourages the internee to be capable of working at particular area and complete the task as per the mentioned roles and responsibilities. It aims to develop socially responsive, creative and result oriented management professionals to take up challenging managerial positions in the rapidly expanding business world of this twenty first century.


Address: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Position: Human Resource Officer & Content Writer
Department: Human Resource
Working Duration: 3 months-Present
Work Hours: 8 hours



            The company is a dedicated web hosting company in the country who primarily focus on web hosting and domain registration services. It believes on the motto “Let us worry about your websites or of your clients regarding its hosting, uptime, server up graduation requirements, etc. “while you can focus and dedicate all your resource on your business. The company provide professional web hosting services at most affordable price. It is unbeatable in terms of price and reliability of service.
            Nepal Domain Hosting Company is not shy away to say we are new to the industry but are very much determined to provide their customers with best-in-hand services. The support team is always there 24/7 to assist you on any issues. After all it marks out the progress made by their customer's satisfaction. Besides, the team constantly monitors their respective websites while the customers can rest assured with peace of mind. Even if customers are a web design company, the company will handle their entire client's hosting requirement on their behalf while they can focus on designing and development of websites. No doubt, Nepal Domain Hosting is the reliable & trusted web hosting company in Nepal.


            Nepal Domain Hosting is the company which has been successful in satisfying their clients from all the perspectives. However, the following are some of its objectives;
·         Join the affiliate program
·         Spread our great web hosting packages
·         Earn some awesome bonus.
·         Arrangement of exciting programs for both the affiliates and clients
·         Provision of Domain Registration to the clients
·         Better service at better price
            Hence, these are some of the objectives of Nepal Domain Hosting Company. It is furthermore, focusing on extension of reliable packages to its customers.

Organization Structure

            Headed by the chief head of the overall management, the company is focused on the objectives that have been carried out by the company’s mission and vision. As a result, the company is efficiently managed by the team of expertise and professionals with a proven track record in the web host as well as other sectors.
            Every company has a set of vision/mission that it aims to achieve in the near future. Given below are the vision and mission of the company.


“To grow both vertically and horizontally to establish ourselves on top as a preferred IT Solutions provider.”


“To Achieve excellence in providing the best IT solutions to customers to meet their present and future business needs in the most efficient and effective way.”

1.5 Description of the Products and Services

         2000 MB disk space
         40,000 MB data transfer
         20 email accounts
         20 sub-domains
         20 database
         24/7 Customer Support
         Free Parallel Pesky Site Builder
         Php, Curl, CGI, Ruby, MySQL
         Free softaculous & Scripts Installer
         Control panel (version 11.36.1)
         Easy Installation: Wordpress, Drupal, Jumla,
         Zen Cart E-commerce website & lot more...
            These are some of the products and services offered by Nepal Domain Hosting Company. Apart from all the services, the company gives a major priority to the customer services.
            As an internee, I worked as content writer under which, there were certain roles and responsibilities. The intern used the available resource in order to make the content more attractive.


Assignments/Activities/Projects Undertaken


2.1.1 Introduction

            The HR Department deals with the management of people within the organization. The department is responsible for attracting employees, designating them in their positions and ensuring their performances. The attendance, annual leaves, casual leaves, sick leaves, complimentary leaves etc. are also updated on a daily basis into the system. It was great opportunity for the intern to work as Human Resource Officer for three months. At that period of time, intern was able to learn much more on the aspects of content writing process. At the very beginning, it was difficult to write because of the lack of practice. But later, it became easier.
            The following were the two signed responsibilities to the internee;
Human Resource Officer:  All the employees' record is retrieved from the System for Time and is updated every day. The attendance, annual leaves, casual leaves, sick leaves, complimentary leaves etc. are also updated on a daily basis into the system. There are various activities in the HRD that make the Senior Assistant and Senior Supervisor occupied the entire day. HR also handles the Intra Department trainings, Supervisor Trainings, TTT trainings and employee orientation & trainee orientation programs.HR department monitors and ensures that the newly trained trainer provides his/her subordinates with the training on a regular basis. I was principally responsible only in arranging all the required resources for the trainings and assist the trainer. However, I also got an opportunity to attend the training in my own initiative.
As an content writer & Editor: In addition to content writing, the intern was also responsible for editing the contents written by others. Under this aspect, the intern has to open the site of editor and enter the details of those movies whose contents were already written. Cross check were done by the intern and after the verification of each and every detail, the intern need to make an entry.

2.1.2 Outcome

Based on my eight week term as an intern, I realized that I was successful to gather a lot of significant learning experiences which would be helpful in my future career. The HR department of NDH offered me ample space and opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit my skills asa HR team member. My contributions were well recognized. By the organization. I successfully completed all the assigned duties and handed them over to the senior supervisor at the end of the internship.

2.1.3 Roles in the Activities and Assignment

            To make a systematic HR system we need a lot of time and energy and to write a synopsis for the movie was not an easy job. It required lots of time and energy. Confirmation of the data was also necessary. Hence, below is some of the role that the intern had in the activities as well as assignment that were provided.

Benefits Administration

HR managers are responsible for employee benefits administration, ensuring that employees are informed about and have an opportunity to enroll in the benefits programs available to them


HR managers are involved in employee training, starting with employee orientation. Beyond making sure that new employees have the knowledge they need to get started, HR managers are also involved in determining training needs on an ongoing basis. This may include individual training designed to help employees improve specific skills or prepare for new job responsibilities, as well as departmental or organization-wide training initiatives.

Employee Relations

HR managers fulfill employee relations roles within their companies, performing various tasks and functions designed to ensure positive relationships between the company and members of its workforce. 

Provide information to the content writers

            Content is the single most important thing on the site. It tells the prospective customers who you are, what you stand for, what your business is all about, how you operate, the services and products you offer. The more you tell, the more you sell.

Attract search engines to the site

            Search engines look for keywords, key phrases, titles and descriptions to rankings in search results.  It is the role of the internee to take these factors into consideration.  Attract search engine traffic by appealing both to human visitors (with relevant content) and to search engine spiders (with relevant content plus keywords, titles and descriptions).

Add value to the site and increase traffic

            The internee had a role of adding value to the site because the content that describes the movie are also important factors that may lead customers become a loyal customer. These results to the customer visit our site again and again.

Prepare an attractive Synopsis:

            It is another important role of the internee which leads to writing the synopsis of the movies that are assigned by the officer. In order to write the synopsis, the interne was not allowed to copy from any of the other site. Originality was more important.

Verification of the content

I also had to assure and verify the name of the movies my colleagues used to do.


Ensuring that employees are properly compensated for their work is an important function of HR managers. They make certain that jobs are properly classified as exempt or non-exempt and workers are paid correctly.

Maintaining attendance and other HR issues to be handled properly

Collection of contents and fairly distribution to other employees

            So, these were some of the role of internee in the activities and assignment. In addition to these, the intern was made free to ask any of the queries related at the work place. In the same way, problems were made easy to solve quickly which made the intern easily fulfill the roles and responsibilities at the given period of time.

2.1.4 Outcomes of the Activities Done

            Besides the above mentioned roles and responsibilities in the assignment and activities procedure, below are given some of the activities done at the workplace.

What We Believe

Our Human Resources philosophy is to provide employee recruitment and retention programs which produce optimum employee satisfaction and performance. We are enablers that support people in reaching their full potential by giving managers and employees the tools to develop and succeed in their roles.

What We Do

         HR representatives initiate partnerships with all managers and supervisors of the hotel in order to serve all parties in the best interest of the hotel.
         HR representatives have a coaching role to all employees
         The Corporate HR and Legal staff are resources to consult when confronted with issues, or when outside feedback may be seen as beneficial.
         HR Representatives should develop business strategies that are in alignment with the hotel's objectives, by focusing on all aspects of the human asset.
         HR Representatives should be continuously improving the HR practices of the hotel, by keeping a pulse of the hotel's culture as well as being aware of what is current in our industry. Thus, these are some of the activities that were done when working as an intern for the project that was undertaken with the assistant of Nepal Domain Host Company.

2.1.5 Learning from the Activities Done       

            People use the Internet to get information about products, services, places... you name it, and the Web has information on just about anything.  It is a potent information source. That’s why; content is not just a string of words. Well-written content has multiple benefits.  It attracts search engines, increases site traffic and provides useful information to existing and potential customers. 
            The main reason for having good content remains, though, that it will make the website popular with the visitors and will give it a good chance of surviving and doing well.

How to write a good content?

            The answer of this question was the learning; an internee got from the activities and assignment done within these three months of internship. It is very important write a good content. It is possible by following ways.

Write It Yourself

            By far the cheapest way to generate content is to write it yourself. For a number of reasons, though, this may not be the easiest way to do it. Writing quality content takes a lot of time, and you will need a good knowledge of your subject to be able to write effectively on it. If you have the skills and time to generate content, though, this is really the best route to take. When trying to create a lot of content, it is a good idea to set a timetable, for example planning to write one article every week.


            It is another way of writing a good content. The more we are focused on the research, the more we get the accurate information and it also prevents us from getting the fake information. In order to write good content, lots of cross check is required. Similarly, an internee used the internet service to gather the right information.


            A good source of content is to use syndicated content from other sites. Many news organizations will provide a free 'news feed' where they give you some code to display news headlines on your site, and because the headlines link to their pages, they are willing to do it for free.
            The most important thing that the internee learned from the activities done was technique of writing a good content. This learning would be fruitful for the upcoming days and hence, it had developed the skills of writing.

Difficulties faced during the Work and its Outcome

            At the beginning of the work, the intern faced lots of difficulties at work. Particular number of movies was assigned at daily basis. So, in the beginning, the intern was slow at writing and it became difficult to fulfill the quota. But later, when the techniques were taught, the internee became capable of writing the contents in an easy way and at the given period of time.
 I also had to upload all the job descriptions onto our system, make sure they were live on our careers sites. I had to then filter through many applications, making sure they were eligible to apply and then put them forward for a telephone interview, assessment centres and right through to contracts.
The scale was certainly the biggest difficulty I faced because the projects I got involved in were so big, I often ended up staying in the office until late because of the volume of work responsibility.
Another problem was repetition of movies at the main site. The movies that were already inserted were sometimes repeated by the intern. Hence, in order to avoid that problem, the internee started keeping the record of every movie and its contents. After cross check only, the movies were verified and that was an easy solution to the problem.
            In addition to these, another difficulty was recognizing the real data and information. Since, there are many other sites that provide the details of the movies; it becomes difficult for the intern to identify the correct information. Later the problem was solved. The intern started to check all the sites and confirm the correct one. Though it was time consuming, but the information that was included in the contents was the real one. These prevent the readers from getting the fake information.
            So, in this way, the difficulties raised but were also solved in a systematic way. Overall, the difficult parts were also concluded to be the learning from the internship.



Program Workplace Relationship

3.1 Program Overview

            For any business department, team or group to work effectively, it is important to ensure that effective workplace relationships exist. The internship program was of three months. Within this period, the intern got an opportunity to learn more. Several questions were allowed to ask during the work time. The other entire employee also enjoyed their work as the internee does.
            This program also explores the role of leadership in building and creating effective workplace relationships through better communication, access to and communication of relevant information to ensure agreed outcomes are achieved.

3.1.2 Contents of Workplace at Nepal Domain Hosting Company

         Effective communication skills
         Developing trust
         Effective networking
         Managing difficult and poor performance
         Learning Outcomes from the Working Environment
            The internee was able to:
         Collect, analyze and provide information and ideas
         Develop trust and confidence
         Build and maintain networks and relationships
         Manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes
         Present and participant in meetings.

Employee outcomes

         Employee outcomes studied Five different employee outcomes and their impact on the above measures of performance were studied. They were: commitment to the supervisor, trust in company management, cooperation, effort and involvement and inclination for employee turnover. Each outcome is defined briefly below.
         Commitment to supervisor – Employees with high commitment to their supervisors are happy working with their current manager and feel that their manager is concerned about them and their problems.
         Trust in management – Employees with high levels of trust in company management feel that management has their best interests as employees at heart and are comfortable allowing management to make decisions that impact employees.
         Cooperation – Employees exhibiting high levels of cooperation are supportive of one another in their roles and expect to cooperate with others and to receive cooperation from others in performing their responsibilities.
         Effort and involvement – Employees with high levels of effort and involvement are committed to and fully apply themselves to their work. They are willing to spend extra time to get the job done and do extra work that is not part of their own job. Turnover intentions
         Employees with low turnover intentions are not actively seeking new employment, do not expect to leave the company in the future and do not often think about quitting their job.



It was an absolute worthwhile experience working at the Radisson Hotel. The friendly welcoming staff and the space they have created for a trainee/intern allowed me with ample opportunities to learn and know myself as a worker. This experience brought out my strength and also the areas I needed to improvise. It added more confidence to my professional approach, built a stronger positive attitude and taught me how to work in team as a player. The primary objective of an internship is to gather a real life working experience and put their theoretical knowledge in practice. I am grateful to the entire team of HRD of the NDH for their unprecedented support to make my working experience truly rewarding. Especially working in this department made me realize my competencies and level of understanding regarding the human resources. On completion of this internship period, I came to know about the importance of human resources and the role of HR manager. As an intern, though I had a limited space to work, I still managed to grab plentiful of experiences. I made the best of every opportunity I was given and made the utmost use of my abilities and knowledge to fulfill all my responsibilities. I could implement my academic skills into practice and my efforts were highly acknowledged. There is however some gap between our theoretical knowledge and real life practice, yet the managerial level staff members is quite open towards upgrading current approach, which was extremely motivating. Hence, I can sum up by saying that my internship experience was a milestone to my academic and professional experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenges that came along every single day. I could also bring some minor improvisations during my internship which were able to leave their marks. These lessons that I have learned will be a valuable one for my future endeavors as well.

Gain work experience and transferable skills

            Students all have their educational experience in common. What stand out to employers are those students who ALSO have work experiences by the time they graduate. This automatically makes them more marketable; as they may require less training and are assumed to be able to handle more responsibilities. In addition to the specialized skills of your field, transferable skills are generally required at any job, e.g. communication/interpersonal skills, computer proficiency, and team work. 

Network with professionals for references and future job opportunities

It’s all about who you know. As a student intern, you are surrounded by professionals in the industry that you are seeking access to. It’s more than just about getting a grade, earning credit, or making money. This is an opportunity to learn from everyone around you, ask questions, and impress them with your eagerness. These people can be your future colleagues or can be the connection to your first job.

Develop new skills and refine others

            Learn your strengths and weaknesses by creating learning objectives and receiving feedback from your supervisor. This is a unique learning opportunity that you may never have again as a working adult. Embrace the mistakes that you’ll make and the many things that you won’t know. Ask questions, observe, and take risks.

Gain confidence in the abilities

            Practice makes perfect. If you’ve learned about a specific technique in the classroom, you’re able to test it out in the world of work. Then, you’ll be much more equipped with the technique.  

Employees do matter

Employees do matter and were shown to impact both operational and financial performance for small companies. Employee outcomes and behaviors such as trust in management, cooperation and employee effort did positively impact small firm performance.



            Internships provide real career and educational benefits to undergraduate and graduate- level students.  Terms and conditions vary, but there are some areas were the betterment regarding internship could be done;
         Involvement in other areas too rather than focusing on the specialization course.
         Facilitate training to the intern
         Application of ideas formed during internship.
Some internship actually cost you money – Some management internships are taken for credit, putting the intern in position of having to pay tuition and fees to participate, just like any of the other courses.
            These are some of the changes that could be made in the case of internship program. By making changes in these aspects, students develop more enthusiasm and zeal to work as an intern and learn more at the real working environment.


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