Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Intuitive surgical Inc,/ Strategic Management MBA

Intuitive Surgical Inc
Introduction and background
The huge company was established in 1995, it was one of the first on developing on the mechanical feels mainly at the intuitive surgery. It contains automated machines who work on their won and the specialists supportive with the latest technology of 3D and many of the equipments are used for many of the strategies.
This large company has simultaneously bringing up the new development since its da Vinci surgical system, it consists of more than 1200 frameworks in doctors facilities in all the places. With the new and latest technology and the products are expensive as it does not have any competition in the market place so far.
Considering the case and its background the company was established back in 1995 at California with as much as employees of around 900, it has had many training centers in U.S. and 2 in Europe. The sales and the marketing of the organization are all depended on their sales representatives and their distributors. When it comes to their latest da Vince xi it has one of the best technology and the features are really unique as they were the one first to introduce the model I think they have been keeping themselves as the market leader with their effective products (Surgical Intutive Inc, 2015). But when it comes to the pricing of the product it is quite expensive in comparison with other normal products but looking at the specifications and the growing industry we see surgical equipments as the highly growing market with lots of scope. (Alan, 2014)
In 2000 when intuitive surgical has made their offerings to the market it was again tailored by the nest successful offering in 2003 also coming to the strategy it has acquired company name computer Motion, Inc.. This was its initial and foremost competitor after acquiring it has strengthened its intellectual property holding.
SWOT analysis of Intuitive Surgical Inc.
SWOT analysis provides the clear picture to the organization about their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats which lead them to develop their core competencies and incorporated core competencies will lead the company for the best competitive advantage to offer to their competitors, markets and people.
·         It has created barriers to entry as they have patented more than 650 in U.S. only and several in foreign markets, so they have made sure that the other competitors have to face a great great challenge to enter into the market of surgical equipments.
·         Acquisition of the competitors company are their strength as they are large and have big capital structure and they can sweep the competitors from the market as Coca cola and Gillette are doing on the market.
·         Latest technology with no competitors in the market which has led them to be  a market leader in case of their Da Vinci robots products, which are really expensive but the people are bound to pay the money.
·         They are creating monopoly in the market mostly in the robot assisted surgery.

·         The main problem I see in the case is the cost the cost of maintenance and operating is really very high to maintain.
·         As the equipment is all about holding technology it is tougher for the normal people to accept as a change and to adopt the technology on their surgical platform.
·         The growing and changing market growth are their biggest opportunities.
·         Their best ever Da Vinci system which they have introduced to the market.
·         Looking closely at the market rates about 74% of surgical people uses the   Da Vinci System for the operations.
·         For the very complicated works and the surgery with the help of robots surgeries are done where the chances of errors are really less in comparison with manual hand surgery.
·         The changing perceptional in the growing technology is the opportunity for the Intuitive surgical Inc.
·         Technology and robots are the biggest threats for the company as the issues of using them as a surgical friend has been already global issue.
·         In case of any errors and defects in the robots the company has to be liable for all the damages and infect it could get some legal irritation and loss the battle as we have seen many other companies suffering.
·         When the patent right and the license expires it is quite sure that the competitors would love to enter to the new market and find out the ways of doing business different than the Intuitive Surgical are doing. So it could be their greatest threats.
·         As the technology is really changing in the decided there are Chances of low cost products coming to the market and there are also chances of sudden disruptive technology which could manipulate the market
Present and past strategies of Intuitive surgical Inc
Looking at the case there have been a lot of strategies followed by the company so far to be in the top they have acquisition competitors company name computer motion and created themselves as the market leader which has been the strategy to cut off their face to face competition not only this they have been following strategies like expensive products on their best Da Vince systea as the product has very high features and they are even unique in the market place so they have made people compel to buy their products with their price, I see this as the bargaining power of suppliers. As they also have got license to operate from FDA this also helps them to make competitive advantage of their product. (Agrawal, 2010)
Conclusions and recommendations
Company is the leading brand in the robotics surgical equipments and due to the high entry barriers to the other companies and other products it has successfully created monopoly to the market. They have the latest technology of 3D and they have continuously improved themselves in the field of the technology what we can see is they have already a leader and they tend to make more brand image and recognition in the sight of the people. The company prosperity and growth are becoming higher which has been their objective.
Due to their high cost product I think the competitors are waiting foot the right moment to enter into the market to coverage the market with their low cost and other effective products to the market so my recommendation to the Surgical Inc is to make they flexible and think in the way of competitors. In the long run when the Da Vince system product life cycle will be at either deckling or at maturity they must be sure about looking at another perspective and innovation approach to deal with market with their desirable product. As the patent is going too expired by 2016 they must be sure about extending their product and to introduce other products to the people.
Research and development in the field of surgical Inc is also very important for now for the company they must be focus on continuous improvement and the development in the field of the robots and their surgical care system. They should be giving their hand to hand to the newest technology and update their products before competitors strike to their other customers. They must also be focus on the low cost leadership to the countries like Asia where the market is high but high cost does not work here.
So focusing on the strategy of the product differentiation and low cost leadership can lead them to the coverage of the market and as well as brand awareness too many of people, before their patent expires they must keep going forward than any other companies.


adhikari, D. r. (2009). Strategic Implementation. kathmandu: Buddha Publication.
Agrawal, G. R. (2010). Strategic Management. Kathmandu: M.K. publishers.
Alan, H. N. (2014). Intuitive Surgical, Inc. In J. A. Pierce II, & R. B. Robinson, Business Strategy (pp. 17-1). McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Surgical Intutive Inc. (2015, July). Retrieved July 2015, from Surgical Intutive Inc:


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